A single person with a clarity of conscience and a willingness to speak up can make a difference. Contributing to the greater good is a deep and fundamental human need. When a leader, even a mid-level or lower level leader, skillfully brings a voice and a vision, others will follow and surprising things can happen—even culture change on a large scale.
There are many anecdotes about the power of a single man over an entire organisation. Among them I like the example of a Spartan general named Gylippus.

The fall of the Athenian army in Sicily - Battle of Syracuse, by Hermann Vogel 1854-1921
In 415 – 413 BC, Athens decided to send a great armed expedition to conquer Spartan colonies in Sicily (30’000 soldiers and 134 ships). After several battles won, the Greek army started the siege of Syracuse, the largest colony in Sicily.
After receiving request of help from Syracuse, Sparta decided to send help: a single General named Gylippus. Gylippus started by improving the Syracuse defence systems. He also initiated the building of a counter-wall to promote a counter siege of the Athenians base. The situation changed radically and the Athenians army was defeated even after the arrival of more supporting troops in the area (other 73 ships and 5000 hoplites).
Let's translate this example into our business world.
Business lessons I’ve learned from this story
A single man can make a dramatic difference – Gylippus has faced in total more than 35’000 soldiers and 207 ships
The art of turning weakness into strength – Gylippus was smart in turning the Athenians army superiority into a supply problem
A great General asks for help – Gylippus asked for help to Spartan allies. Only a miracle could have saved Syracuse, but Spartan allies decided to send troops basing their decision on Gylippus fame as great Commander)
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Main services include: Lead Generation, Business Development Outsourcing, Market Research and New Market Entry services.